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Lap Mops - Clearance Stocks

Price: £3.33loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
RRP: £4.76loading you save £1.43loading
Product Code: Mop/Lap/4x6/CF/Med
Brand: Heritage Abrasives
Stock Status: in stock
Product Description

Lap Mops - Clearance Stocks


A selection of Lap Mops available at discounted prices.


C/F = Clean & Finish - Lightweight & Flexible

H/D = Heavy Duty - Harder & Longer Lasting than the Clean & Finish

S/D = Super Duty - Thicker and more rigid than the Heavy Duty



Items listed in our clearance stocks could be from a cancelled order,

goods that were excess in a production run for an order or sometimes

stock that was held for a customer who is no longer in business.



Lap Mops - Clearance Stocks

Price: £3.33loading (exc VAT @ 20%)
RRP: £4.76loading you save £1.43loading
Product Code: Mop/Lap/4x6/CF/Med
Brand: Heritage Abrasives
Stock Status: in stock

Lap Mops - Clearance Stocks


A selection of Lap Mops available at discounted prices.


C/F = Clean & Finish - Lightweight & Flexible

H/D = Heavy Duty - Harder & Longer Lasting than the Clean & Finish

S/D = Super Duty - Thicker and more rigid than the Heavy Duty



Items listed in our clearance stocks could be from a cancelled order,

goods that were excess in a production run for an order or sometimes

stock that was held for a customer who is no longer in business.



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